Thursday, June 5, 2014

She'll spread faster than a ridiculous rumor... When I stick my dick in her womb and open that rippled cocoon up...

YEAH, these kids live the fairytale lives, it's fictional...
I mean, how the hell could we perceive what they've written you?
Fucking aye, tired a rap... I'm firing at...
anything in close proximity... cause I hate it all, man...
need a fall plan... through the shot glass of life...
I beg for forgiveness, I ask for the light...
then I get slashed faster than the Passion of Christ...
But I'm a partisan though... no, I'm an artist, in full..
Just messed up... but guess what?
I still got love for all of this text stuff, n' don't care to suggest uh...
other method of spitting... never getting a written
to be splurged on this fucking page, until it has my nuts displayed...
I am a nut, you say... not appalled by that...
I ball, where's Spalding at? Looks like I called him back.
The mystical river of risking a liver to my influence...
eying Students outside the locker rooms, I was surprised to do it...
Idling in the drive way of the dorm, waving Hi through the room and...
Telling your 18 year old daughter to suck the tip of this broom stick..
So I can stick it in her clit and then move it...
Yeah, freaking maneuver the handle inside of that bitch, till it's skewered...
She'll spread faster than a ridiculous rumor...
When I stick my dick in her womb and open that rippled cocoon up...
Yeah, a nasty boy. That I leave that ass destroyed...
Right from the back, deploy a "C'MON", like I'm Pastor Troy...
"Mommy, what's that?" -- then I chime in with my rudeness
by saying that their mommy is a whore... the way she's on the floor...
Give them all a tour... yeah, where is my manners?
Hiding behind the parents, my answers would leave you embarrassed, like dancers...
Who forget their steps... a dizzying array
of evil, built in an unorthodox hierarchy... I'm bored...
Waiting for my girl to come over, so I can move my hand...
Right over her Redbox faster than the Movie Stand...

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